
What makes an organization outperform its competitors?

Achieving a seamless flow is essential for success. We’re dedicated to sharing our expertise to help you improve. Our unique approach engages and develops every individual within your organization, aligning everyone to work together as one. By understanding and optimizing your flow, you can boost efficiency, reduce costs, and drive continuous improvement.

We understand that every organization and transformation has a unique set of requirements which is why we offer a flexible approach. Learn more about our services below.

Our Offering

Transformation platform
Our online platform plays a key role in the transformation process. It's where you and your organization take programs, make assessments, complete implementation activities as well as organize improvements. You can track progress and work collaboratively towards your end goal.
Training programs
Created by our experts, we host a variety of training programs on our platform to develop different skills within your organization depending on your specific needs. You can learn more about the different categories of programs below.
Expert services
You can engage with our experts in various ways, including keynote speeches, personalized coaching, hands-on workshops, and consultancy services.

Types of Programs

Our mission is to empower organizations and their employees to achieve excellence. We offer a comprehensive suite of programs designed to build the skills, capabilities, and insights needed to drive lasting success. From foundational training and assessments to in-depth analyses and targeted improvement initiatives, our programs are crafted to strengthen your organization from within. By focusing on the development of your people and processes, we enable you to lead your own transformation and create a culture of continuous improvement. Let us partner with you to unlock your organization’s full potential.

Training programs
Comprehensive Training Programs Tailored to Your Organization's Needs

We offer a wide range of training programs designed to equip your organization with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in Lean, TPS, Systems Thinking, Operational Excellence, Flow-Orientation, and more. Whether you're looking to develop your leadership team, managers, specialists, or your entire workforce, our experienced trainers are here to support your journey.

Since 2011, we have been dedicated to creating customized training programs that address the unique challenges and goals of our clients. We have extensive experience working with a diverse range of organizations, from multinational global companies with hundreds of thousands of employees to smaller firms with just a few hundred. Our programs are highly scalable, allowing us to meet the needs of any organization, regardless of size or complexity. Our training programs include:

  • Foundation Programs. We develop foundational training programs in Lean, Operational Excellence, Service Excellence, and Flow Orientation that provide a solid understanding of the basics. These programs are ideal for organizations looking to establish a strong base in these key areas.
  • Management Programs. We specialize in creating powerful management programs that develop competent and effective leaders. Our management training focuses on equipping leaders with the skills needed to drive their teams and organizations towards success.
  • All Employees Programs. We can design and deliver programs that train all employees quickly and efficiently, even within large global organizations. Our approach ensures that every employee, regardless of location, receives consistent and high-quality training.
  • Expert Programs. Our expert programs are designed to build internal specialists. We cover areas such as facilitation, change management, program development, and inspiration, ensuring that your organization has the expertise needed to sustain long-term improvements.
  • Concept-Specific Programs. We offer specialized programs in Lean, TPS, Agile, Operational Excellence, Service Excellence, and Manufacturing Excellence. These programs delve deep into specific methodologies, providing advanced training that aligns with your strategic goals.
  • Industry-Specific Programs. We develop training programs tailored to specific industries, such as manufacturing, service, construction, healthcare, public sector, retail, and more. Our industry-focused programs address the unique challenges and opportunities within each sector.
  • Functional Programs. Our functional programs target specific functions within your organization, such as logistics, manufacturing, maintenance, service, sales, procurement, transport, and planning. These programs are designed to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of key functional areas.
  • Customized Programs. We excel in creating content that is tailored to your specific production system or organizational philosophy. Our resources allow us to train your leaders and experts, enabling them to deliver world-class programs. We ensure that the training content aligns perfectly with your organizational values and objectives, and we can even prepare your internal experts to lead and present the programs themselves.

Our mission is to help you cultivate a culture of excellence and continuous improvement across your organization. By leveraging our experience and expertise, we ensure that your training programs are not only effective but also transformative, empowering your team to achieve lasting success.


Assessment programs
Comprehensive Assessment Programs Tailored to Your Needs

Our assessment programs are built on cutting-edge research, enabling us to create precise and comprehensive solutions for your organization. Our expertise ensures that every assessment we design is highly accurate, providing valuable insights that drive meaningful improvements.

  • Organization-Wide Assessments. We specialize in conducting organization-wide assessments that allow your entire company to quickly and efficiently perform self-evaluations of the current state. These general assessments focus on the entire organization, giving you a clear picture of your strengths and areas for development.
  • Functional Assessments. In addition to broad organizational assessments, we offer functional assessments where managers and employees within a specific function evaluate their own work methods. This targeted approach serves as a powerful springboard for continuous improvement efforts within specific departments or teams.
  • Cross-Functional Assessments. Our cross-functional assessments bring together teams from different areas of your organization to quickly evaluate an end-to-end flow. This approach helps identify the current state and pinpoint any issues, fostering a deeper understanding of how different functions interact and impact overall performance.
  • Leadership Assessments. Our leadership assessments enable leaders to evaluate their own capabilities in guiding flow-oriented and self-improving organizations. This focused evaluation helps leaders understand their strengths and areas for growth in driving effective change and operational excellence.
  • Expert Assessments. We offer specialized assessments for internal experts to evaluate their skills in Lean, Operational Excellence, change management, program development, and facilitation. This helps ensure that your experts are equipped to lead and sustain improvement initiatives across the organization.
  • Customized Assessments. We also develop tailored assessments for your specific production systems, allowing you to quickly diagnose and address issues in your work processes. These custom assessments are designed to align perfectly with your unique operational needs and goals.

Let us help you gain the insights needed to propel your organization toward excellence. Our assessment programs are designed to be both scalable and effective, making them suitable for organizations of any size or complexity.

Analysis programs
Empower Your Organization with In-Depth Analysis Programs
We help organizations develop the skills needed to effectively analyze their own operations. Conducting thorough analyses is one of the most powerful methods for driving sustainable change. Here are some examples of the types of analyses we help our clients perform:
  • Flow Analysis. We assist our clients in analyzing their primary and secondary flows. By quickly and efficiently identifying and examining various end-to-end processes, our clients gain a deeper understanding of how their organization operates. This insight is crucial for optimizing workflows and improving overall efficiency.
  • Resource Analysis. We help our clients map out their resource utilization and productivity. This involves analyzing how resources are used, identifying bottlenecks, and determining how to eliminate them. Our clients learn to optimize their resource management, ensuring that every asset is used effectively and efficiently.
  • Performance Analysis. Our performance analysis programs enable clients to gain a clear understanding of how they currently perform and how they should be performing. By identifying gaps between current and ideal performance, our clients can focus on targeted improvements that drive better results.
  • Improvement and Problem Analysis. We guide our clients in analyzing the effectiveness of their problem-solving and improvement implementation processes. Understanding how efficiently problems are addressed and improvements are implemented is key to fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Customized Analysis Programs. In addition to the above, we offer tailored analysis programs that align with your organization's specific needs. Whether you're looking to enhance a particular aspect of your operations or conduct a comprehensive review, we provide the tools and expertise needed to execute these analyses successfully.
Our analysis programs are designed to empower your organization to take control of its own development. By equipping your team with the skills to perform these critical evaluations, we help you build a foundation for lasting improvement and operational excellence.
Capability Building programs
Empowering Organizations with Comprehensive Capability Building Programs

We offer robust programs designed to help our clients develop a wide range of skills, routines, and tools essential for achieving excellence. Our capability-building programs provide not only the know-how to develop these skills but also the expertise to enable your organization to spread and cultivate these capabilities independently.

We offer various types of capability-building programs tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization:

Core Capabilities
  • Performance Management
    Equip your organization with the ability to achieve its goals consistently. Our programs focus on developing the skills needed to set, monitor, and meet performance targets effectively.

  • Flow Management
    Develop the capability to manage your workflows efficiently. Learn how to lead and optimize processes to ensure smooth and effective end-to-end operations.

  • Resource Management
    Ensure the availability and optimal use of resources within your organization. Our training helps you develop strategies for resource allocation, utilization, and optimization.

  • Improvement Management
    Cultivate the ability to solve problems and drive continuous improvement. Our programs focus on developing a culture of ongoing enhancement, empowering your team to identify and implement improvements.

  • Change Management
    Build the capability to lead and manage change effectively. Learn how to navigate organizational change, ensuring that your team can adapt and thrive in evolving environments.

  • Leadership
    Strengthen your ability to lead people. Our leadership programs focus on developing the skills needed to inspire, guide, and motivate your team to achieve their best.

Supporting Capabilities
  • Standardization
    Develop the ability to create and implement best practices. Learn how to standardize processes to ensure consistency and excellence across your organization.

  • Visualization
    Create a visual and learning-oriented organization. Our programs teach you how to use visual management tools to enhance communication, transparency, and learning within your team.

  • Routinization
    Establish effective routines. Learn how to create and maintain efficient routines that drive productivity and operational success.

Customized Programs
  • Capability Development Packaging
    We can help you package a capability so that you can spread it throughout your organization independently. Our customized programs are designed to ensure that your team not only masters the skill but also gains the ability to teach and propagate it across all levels of your organization.

Our capability-building programs are crafted to ensure that your organization has the skills and tools necessary to achieve lasting success. By focusing on both core and supporting capabilities, we help you build a strong foundation for continuous growth and improvement. Let us partner with you to develop and spread the expertise that will drive your organization forward.

Improvement programs
Targeted Improvement Programs

Our Focused Improvement Programs are designed for clients who have a specific problem or area of improvement in mind. These programs are tailored to drive enhancements that directly impact a particular performance metric. By concentrating on specific challenges, we help our clients achieve measurable and sustainable improvements. Here are some of the programs we offer:

  • Quality Improvement Program.
    Our Quality Improvement Program helps clients develop the skills necessary to systematically improve quality. By identifying key quality drivers and implementing best practices, we enable organizations to achieve higher standards and reduce defects across their operations.
  • Lead-Time Reduction Program.
    The Lead-Time Reduction Program empowers clients to identify and transform structures that contribute to lengthy lead times. By streamlining processes and eliminating bottlenecks, clients can significantly reduce lead times, enhancing overall efficiency and customer satisfaction.
  • Delivery Reliability Program.
    Our Delivery Reliability Program focuses on building stability by increasing flexibility and reducing unwanted variation. This program helps clients ensure consistent and reliable deliveries, improving customer trust and satisfaction.
  • Profitability Enhancement Program.
    The Profitability Enhancement Program is designed to help clients improve their profitability by enhancing margins and optimizing capital turnover. By focusing on cost reduction and efficiency improvements, this program drives financial performance and long-term success.
  • Inventory Reduction Program.
    Our Inventory Reduction Program is aimed at minimizing tied-up capital by reducing inventory levels. Clients learn how to optimize inventory management, leading to improved cash flow and reduced carrying costs.
Additional Focused Programs
  • Waste Elimination Program
    This program helps clients identify and eliminate waste in all its forms, leading to more efficient operations and better use of resources.

  • Productivity Enhancement Program
    Focused on increasing overall productivity, this program equips clients with the tools and techniques needed to optimize workflows and maximize output.

  • Customer Satisfaction Program
    By analyzing and improving processes that directly impact customer satisfaction, this program helps clients enhance their service quality and strengthen customer relationships.

Each of our Focused Improvement Programs is designed to tackle specific challenges, driving targeted improvements that yield tangible results. Whether you're looking to boost quality, reduce lead times, or enhance profitability, our programs provide the expertise and tools needed to achieve your goals. Let us help you focus on what matters most to your organization and achieve the performance improvements that will make a lasting difference.

The Hups Scaling Strategy

The Hups model makes it easy for you to scale your transformation in the way you want, whether you focus on one specific team or work with the entire organization.
Your plan, your way
You decide how involved your managers and employees should be, and at what stage in the transformation. We adapt to your needs, not the other way around.

Learn and lead
We help your organization develop the skills and capabilities to drive the transformation on your own. Our programs are designed to fit your specific goals and challenges.

Sustainable transformation
Manage your transformation from planning to implementation, ensuring long-term success without relying on external support.

Take the first small step invite a Hups expert to your next event.

Motivate, develop, and drive your organization towards success with a unique talk from an industry-leading expert at Hups.

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Want to know more?

Still wondering if we're a good fit for your current organizational needs? We offer a free consultation so you can learn more about our services and find a solution that suits you.